Precision and Patience

“Patience is not sitting and waiting, it is foreseeing. It is looking at the thorn and seeing the rose, looking at the night and seeing the day. Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full.”


No matter what you wish to create in your experience, it begins with a vision, dream or desire. The image sparks energy and enthusiasm into motion and leads us forward into new aspects of awakening. It’s important to be mindful about where you choose to place your focus. Baby steps spark miracles.

As we walk incrementally toward our goals, we discover that true power lies in consistency, precision and patience. Each action builds upon the next while one remains deeply rooted in the present moment. When an action is done well for its own sake, Presence transforms the work into a masterpiece.

Many need instant gratification and have not learned the joy of completion. There’s something powerful about seeing a body of work, intention and joy come together in ways that may be far more beautiful than that of the original vision. The purpose of inspiration is to send us on the road of discovery. From there, anything is possible.

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