Repetitive Patterns

Lessons repeat, growing in intensity, until they are no longer required. Take a moment to examine your life for repetitive patterns. If you have often felt abandoned or betrayed by people you trust, feel unheard, consistently struggle with financial security or experience disappointment in love, there is a core limiting belief seeking to be healed.

Choose to transform any semblance of victim consciousness into powerful aspects of spiritual awakening. We are often very resistant when it comes to seeing ourselves clearly. Life will present the same lesson in varying forms, growing in intensity, until the message is glaringly obvious. Once the blinders are off, the process of change begins.

Pay close attention to your inner dialogue as well as how you describe the situation to others. Notice repetitive words or phrases that come through such as, “Nothing I do is good enough” or “Every time things start going well, the rug is pulled out from under me.” Those are limiting core beliefs that can consciously be changed by changing how you think.

When you observe yourself bringing peace to a situation that was formerly fraught with anxiety, when you view old patterns with compassion, love and humor, please remember to give yourself credit for how far you have come. As higher awareness infuses your life, you’ll recognize the true magnificence of Being.

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