Playfulness and Passion

“The very essence of playfulness is an openness to anything that may happen, the feeling that whatever happens, it\’s okay… you\’re either free to play, or you\’re not.”
~John Cleese~
Sparks of inspiration are all around us waiting to be discovered. The world is filled with limitless possibilities to explore and as we open to them, we are transformed. The human experience is more joyful when we embrace the evolution of Spirit and allow it to express itself through us.
Our relationship to life reflects our inner state of consciousness. If you are enjoying what you\’re creating in your experience, let the passion continue to awaken love within you. Should you feel trapped in the status quo, find something that sparks your joy and immerse yourself within it.
Your playfulness and positive attitude are infectious. Others will respond to you in surprising ways, and that too, is part of the unfolding experience. There is always something new to bring to light.