One With Everything

“I rise to taste the dawn, and find that love alone will shine today.”
~Ken Wilbur~

Everyone has a time of day or evening when their biorhythms and energy align with life. It’s powerful to attune to these moments and build your consciousness practice around them. As you create routines that nourish your soul, realize that consistency develops healthy patterns that will support you at all times throughout your experience.

How you begin your day sets the tone for all that follows. I’ve found that, for me, the early morning hours are perfect for writing, meditation, communing with my guides and listening to the sounds of silence. As the sun rises, I walk in gratitude, a loving witness to the worlds awakening.

The resulting balance creates a foundation for whatever unfolds throughout the day. I can meet love or adversity with a calm mind and heart. Moments of frustration or challenge can easily be transformed into awareness, insight or cultivation of character. To be one with everything is to understand that all of life is participating in your awakening.

Oneness calls upon us to live in a way that is purposeful, sacred and connected. Be one with everything and step into love.

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