New Beginnings


Conscious baby steps spark miracles. No matter what type of change you wish to create in your experience, it begins within. Choose anything, and begin the process of transformation by doing things a little bit differently. Shifting habitual patterns then becomes a powerful spiritual practice.


You never know what you might set in motion. It’s time to draw in the people, opportunities and circumstances that resonate with your current energy. Be willing to receive, open to adventure, and let all your decisions come from a place of love, joy or enthusiasm. You can direct your attention and energy in any way you wish.


Become a powerful co-creator in your own experience. Pay attention to your inner dialogue (shift when necessary) and make sure that your words and actions support one another. Empowerment and mastery are demonstrated by how you respond to life. Take total ownership and work with whatever arises. See each situation as an opportunity for expansion as you walk the path of transformation.


Honor this moment by choosing to be deeply present. Stillness creates a foundation that is unshakable and supportive as you explore the mysteries of awakening.