Never Stop Learning

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

We are constantly engaged in transformation and all of life supports our awakening. As we strip away layers of illusion that create separation, we come to understand the truth of who we are. When challenges arise, dig deeper. Understand that you are safe and supported, even though it certainly can feel like the opposite sometimes.

As you awaken, new facets of your soul begin to shine. When working in the spiritual realm with clients, I often see them as pure light emanating in all directions that is somehow both gentle and powerful. The purity of love and light is almost overwhelming.

Understand that others’ responses to you will vary based upon their level of consciousness. Some will be drawn to your light for inspiration or to bathe in your radiance, others will want to try to extinguish it, and some, recognizing a kindred spirit, will offer kindness, friendship and support.

Every circumstance offers the possibility of greater awareness. You are  more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

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