Nature and Stillness


\”Nature can bring you into stillness. That is its gift to you. When you perceive and join with nature in the field of stillness, that field becomes permeated with your awareness. That is your gift to nature.\”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Behind the sounds, beyond the experience, under the chatter of the mind lies the brilliance of your own Divine nature. It\’s important to periodically remove yourself from the cacophony of life and immersing yourself in nature is a wonderful way to realign with awareness. The same Presence awaits whether you are in the mountains or beaches, enjoying your back yard or sitting in silence with a beloved plant. Simply be. Allow nature to teach you of stillness.
Peace is a simple thing… all we need to do is clear away the clutter and listen. The conscious awareness of the spiritual seeker opens these moments of connection, and from there our perception of the world expands into something wholly new. Wherever you are, be there completely. Listen, just listen. Find the heartbeat of life and enter into it. You are infinite. You are divine. You are awake. And so it is.