Music of the Spheres


“Each celestial body, in fact, each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm, or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element while having its own function and character, contributes to the whole.”


I recently had a vision of Oneness. It separated and became two, and they harmonized. The vibrations emitted filled the universe with sound and the waves of energy took on lives of their own. Now the One could experience itself. The two became four (and so on) and more harmonies filled the air. It evolved and took on greater dimension. New frequencies and discordance caused tension and balance. And the waves danced with joy…


When sleeping with white noise, I often get lost in the music of the spheres. Sound waves of energy surround us, and when we immerse ourselves completely within the Now, we become part of the symphony.


During my gratitude walk I listened to the staccato beat of two woodpeckers, each on its own telephone pole, producing different notes with their tapping. They harmonized, seeming to play off one other. In Presence I listened deeply, noticing the music in the air once again. Flawless, joyful, inspiring… if you think of it today, consider turning everything off and just be. See what you can hear and go from there.