Loving What Is

“Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it… it’s just easier if you do.”

~Byron Katie~

Loving What Is is a powerful aspect of awakening that frees us from the stories of the mind and habitual patterns which no longer serve our growth. How often do we witness someone desperately fighting against the present moment saying, “This shouldn’t be!” without realizing that the rejection actually prolongs the perception of pain?

Acceptance creates space in which something new can emerge. It doesn’t mean that we become apathetic. Quite the opposite – we begin to see more precisely that which is ready to be healed or released within ourselves in order to create clarity of spirit.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is. Don’t hold yourself back out of fear or uncertainty. When we consciously choose to release ego-driven stories and beliefs, all that remains is a quiet sense of connection to the Divine. From this space of peace, our actions will either move us forward or teach us something – and this is a very empowering place to reside.

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