~Ezra Bayda~
~ Louise Hay~
To enter into love is much, much more than the desire to be loved or to fall in love with another. As we realize our true purpose, it becomes possible to fall madly in love with life itself. The dance of experience becomes a flow of passion that seeks to embrace all that it sees – the colors and textures, the artistry and music, the unique beauty of every living being, the whispers of nature and the still voice of the Divine.
Choose to express love as much as you can throughout the day. Begin within, employing supportive and empowering self talk. Then, extend it outwards, speaking only words that lift others up and finally express joyful hope for the future. All that you speak sends waves of energy throughout the Universe which will return to you in miraculous and surprising ways.
Today my intention is to remember that life is a reflection of my thoughts and beliefs.