Love is the Way

When you can awaken in joy and greet the day with love, you have arrived. When your happiness is not dependent upon outside validation or events, you have arrived. When you seek to be a blessing and consistently bring the best version of yourself to the present moment, you have arrived.

None of these things are completely indicative of enlightenment; however, they are discovered and demonstrated on the way to enlightenment. As we learn from one another, absorb wisdom from contrast, and live with integrity, the arrival is your relation to the Self – the expansion of consciousness. The gifts of light, love and laughter reside at the core of all things.

To Know Thyself is the beginning of wisdom. It’s time to look upon the world with new eyes… eyes that see through the illusion to the innermost truth of the soul. And with this clear vision, how can one be anything but love?

Those who are ready to see will be drawn to you. Light, any light – no matter how small – transforms the darkness. The gift of Presence is the greatest gift that you can share. With spiritual maturity and a tender heart, show that love is the way.


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