Looking Through the Eyes of Love

When falling in love, everything looks different for a while. Seeing sparkles of beauty and vibrancy everywhere, lovers often see past the challenges. The rush of passion heightens their frequency and changes the filter through which they view the world. For many, once the honeymoon period is over, the passion gets dampened by the mechanics of living. Now the weight of expectation and the desire for that missing spark take precedence and create a heaviness in the life experience.

Everything ego-driven is subject to contrast. Karmic lessons and the habit of attachment cause pain. While there is no going backward, the expression of authentic Love can be cultivated as a learned refinement of spiritual transformation.

Without attachment, there is no ebb and flow. Love becomes a powerful way of being. When we choose to fall madly in love with life, we become pure conduits for the infinite Love of the Divine. Imagine being a consistent source of kindness and acceptance, consciously providing support and encouragement to all those with whom you interact. Life lived in this manner has very little disappointment. Of course, preferences still make themselves known; however, happiness is not tied to obtaining them. Instead, happiness simply is.

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