Life is a reflection of our state of consciousness.
“Rarely do we experience the presence born of knowing who we really are and what we are doing on this earth. Realizing how rarely we’re present to life is itself a crucial step in awakening.” ~Ezra Bayda~
As we awaken, the ego’s mechanisms become more subtle. Often, it can be a simple thought prompting us to forgo the personal nurturing or rituals that keep us balanced. Our attention gets drawn outward instead of inward where we are able to connect with our own divine nature.
Happiness and fulfillment are the end results we seek in any situation. Therefore, choose to be at peace in this moment, as if you have already reached your goal, and purposely keep your vibration at that empowered, high level. We will always draw in the circumstances, opportunities and fellow travelers that reflect our state of consciousness.
Celebrate how far you’ve come and celebrate the joys that still await discovery. Walk in the world filled with wonder and allow life to enter you. There’s no need to wait. You can be at peace now.