Limitless Potential

“Whenever you deeply accept this moment as it is — no matter what form it takes — you are still, you are at peace.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

This moment is the gateway to enlightenment. In the midst of hyperbole and distraction lies an infinite well of peace from which you can drink. Honor your journey as sacred by drinking deeply of the love, light and laughter of the universe.

Periodically choose to detach from worldly limitation and enter into the stillness of infinite possibility. Within the gap between words, breaths, heartbeats or movement we can catch a glimpse of  life’s limitless potential. There is no need to fill it that silence with analytical thought or action. Just be present. Your conscious awareness activates inner wisdom and peace.

Some call this the space of no mind. Detachment allows us to observe all that unfolds with greater clarity. From the vantage point of awareness, you may discover greater compassion, especially for those who are momentarily caught in the mechanisms of the mind. Your light is transformative, not only for yourself, but also for those around you.

Engage life’s magic through stillness. Consciousness seeks to experience itself through you. When distractions are removed, what remains? Love.

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