“Life is an adventure. If you treat it as such, you\’ll enjoy it\’s happiness”
~Manny Segarra~
How we choose to see life determines how we experience it. Everyone faces both intense challenges and great beauty – this is a world of paradox after all… but many believe that if they evolve or if they do the right thing that life will fall into place and the struggle will cease. This is only half true. The struggle will certainly cease; however, life will be what it is – a constant ebb and flow of energy and experience. If you allow it, everything will assist you in awakening.
Choose to see your life as an adventure. Face any challenges that arise with expectation and wonder knowing that you are ready for a breakthrough to new levels of awareness. By design we have limited perception. Remind yourself that even though you cannot yet understand the lesson or the purpose behind your current circumstances, that all is well. There may be a new friend among strangers. You may discover new skills and passions. It\’s important to remember that life will always present the perfect situation that is needed for your spiritual growth.