Learning Through Emotion

As a creature who is at ease in the water, duck teaches us to be comfortable with our emotions. The highs and lows of emotional responses are the epitome of our human experience.

Many people struggle due to their repressed emotions. No matter what type of baggage someone may carry, it often seems to get triggered by the most innocuous of interactions. After a sudden storm of emotional reaction and intensity, both parties are left wondering just what happened.

When we involve others in our expressions of anger, we risk triggering their wounds and compounding the situation. If you happen to express emotion with an enlightened person, they will help you process in a healthy way. It’s best to cultivate the ability to observe, feel, process and release whatever arises within us. Otherwise, the absorbed energy knocks the body out of balance and we manifest physical issues that help us to understand where the blockage is.

Ducks, after a squabble, will briefly shake their bodies, flap their wings and then swim away calmly. This teaches us the power of releasing negative energy. Feelings appear, often unexpectedly and we should honor them as sacred. Observe the thoughts that arise. You may discover something that is ready to be healed and released.

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