Leaping Forward

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
~Walt Disney~
Yesterday as I sat outside in the sunshine eating mindfully, as is my wont, the grasshopper above flew into my head. Laughing, I thanked her for getting my attention in such a distinctive manner and went inside to look up the shamanic meaning in my books. Grasshopper represents taking new and uncanny leaps forward.
From this I inferred that changes are getting ready to flow into my world and that it’s healthy for me to take leaps of faith, try new things and see where the journey takes me. Another message here is to trust my inner voice and the unique rhythms of my life. After delivering her message and gracing me with a photo, she quickly moved on.
I see the magic of life as a continuous conversation with the divine. When you pay attention, little mundane moments can become quite extraordinary. Everything we experience is a loving message from spirit … and I am grateful.
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