“Reflect on the wisdom expressed in a hymn to the Sun god Ra “Thy priests go forth at dawn, they wash their hearts with laughter.”
~Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker~
Throughout history, many spiritual paths have utilized laughter to create emotional balance, harmony and peace. Laughter driven by joy, love, or the acceptance of paradox immediately lifts energy in such a way that darkness is quickly dispelled. This allows us to find the humor within the absurd and becomes a powerful tool to utilize throughout the journey. In the Michael Teachings, we have a humor position in our supportive soul group. Should you feel off balance, it’s very likely that person will lift you up.
You might consider working purposeful lightheartedness into your spiritual practices. After my gratitude walk, I take a few moments to enjoy coffee and comedy. Laughter begins the day. This creates a positive vibe in the home which then weaves its way into my work. Likewise, the last 30 minutes prior to sleep is also spent laughing… and this energy follows me into my dreams and nightly spiritual journeys.
We choose our own experience. Why not make loving choices that sooth your soul and brighten your outlook?