Laughter Enlightens

“Just imagine if we laughed more frequently, if we had the unmitigated courage to touch each other, it would be just the beginning of paradise now.”

~Maya Angelou~

Laughter, born of joy and lightheartedness, connects people. Authentic smiles are contagious, briefly bridging the gap between strangers, deepening the bond of love between soulmates, or brightening a solitary moment with mirth. Enlightenment is the shedding away of anything that blocks peace, love, joy and Presence; therefore, we can choose to utilize laughter as a powerful spiritual tool.

Consider how hard the ego works to ensure that you are constantly in a state of worry, attachment or judgment. Deep in thought, the situation at hand seems heavy and overwhelming. If you were to look in the mirror, you’d see someone stressed, reactive, perhaps with the mouth pursed in frustration, and likely unable to see a solution. Taking it further, there are those who feel guilty being happy or expressing joy as long as there are others who are struggling in the world.

There are endless ways to bring lightheartedness into your experience. Utilize playfulness and joy as powerful aspects of your awakening and choose to welcome laughter in with an open heart.

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