Just Be

“To go beyond the mind and reconnect with the deeper reality of Being, very different qualities are needed: surrender, nonjudgment, an openness that allows life to be instead of resisting it, the capacity to hold all things in the loving embrace of your knowing.”
~ Eckhart Tolle~
The pathway to peace is acceptance. You can choose to release attachment to the stories of the past or anxiety about the future and turn your attention to this new day. This spiritual practice takes you more deeply into the Now.
Focusing your awareness completely within the present moment opens your ability to access the energy of pure Presence. Consciously observe yourself, your thoughts and what you choose to focus upon. The ego loves to distract us from stillness by keeping the mind busy. When you really pay attention, you’ll notice the repetitive nature and meaningless chatter of the mind.

In the power of conscious surrender, a portal opens, drawing in the limitless potential of  Divine energy that consistently moves through you. There are no problems in the Now – only situations that must be dealt with or accepted. Act with integrity and do your best. You are a master in the process of awakening.

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