“Open your mind, expand your character to embrace the world. Then you will find guidance along the path.”
~R. L. Wing, from the I Ching Workbook
There is an ebb and flow to life. Each journey is unique and, though support and guidance are always available, we must ultimately take complete responsibility for our choices, our happiness and our awakening.
What you create now will be the basis for what you experience next. Life is a dance of change. Every situation contains seeds of new beginnings that can often bring confusion because we are entering the realm of the unknown. Disorder, chaos and resistance often portend that transformation is at hand.
Love yourself enough to be kind as you manifest changes in your experience. When necessary, simply take ownership, move into acceptance and honor the processes of your awakening. Recognize the progress you are making. When you miss the mark, the fact that you are aware of your unconsciousness actually indicates that you are becoming more conscious.
You are a powerful co-creator of your own experience. Life is filled with infinite possibility on every level of existence. Live expansively and allow yourself to be a magnet for abundance, joy and fulfillment.