
“Allow yourself to take the risk of shattering the old patterns and limitation that have kept your energy from flowing.”

Living consciously is the greatest adventure that life has to offer. When you bring awareness to your life experience, anything can spark a breakthrough. Something as unexpected as a chance encounter, a vivid dream or a message from the Divine can change everything. Life can spark a breakthrough… and that insight may expand your way of thinking.

There are moments when your life-path can diverge from repetitive beliefs and behavior into a whole new area of experience. Consciously facing a dark night of the soul allows us to emerge into the light with a new level of courage and a higher perspective. Old structures disappear as we shed the weight of old beliefs.
When you reach a point of despair, resistance or darkness, it indicates that something profound is getting ready to happen. Push through, keep moving forward and reach toward the light. You may be surprised at the power that flows through your life when you are willing to create a space where a transformation can occur. The goal is to see things differently. Daylight has come.