You are here to awaken. Everything that you choose to do and all that unfolds in your experience simply provides the playground in which you explore. See how accepting and neutral you can remain within polarizing situations. Eventually, this sense of peace will become the bedrock of your life.
More and more you may notice yourself in the role of observer – untainted by reactivity and at ease within the present moment. When you do choose to take action, your approach will be clear and empowered. Awareness calls upon us to be consistently mindful. As you awaken, your movement through the world takes on a new quality.
Challenges provide an opportunity to rise above. How else will you cultivate and strengthen your best qualities? Honor those who play roles in the development of your emerging strength and self-mastery. Those who challenge you the most on the physical plane, love you the most on the spiritual plane. These amazing souls have agreed to assist your souls evolution and play their part to perfection.