\”Beauty isn\’t in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.\”
~Kahlil Gibran~
You bring something beautiful and unique to the world. When we drop man-made imprinting and self-criticism, we create a space where something new can emerge. Seek to engage in an inner dialogue that is supportive, kind and adventurous. There is an art to living fully immersed in the beauty of the present moment – see it, experience it. Wherever you are, be the soul of that place.
As a child of light you are entire, complete; nothing is missing, you are fulfilled. One act of trust leads to another, and another. And when doubt arises, choose to see through it and trust anyway. This creates a momentum of transformation and your true potential shines through.
Once you learn to see life as an opportunity to love, a new quality arises in your experience. Begin within. Turn your gratitude and appreciation inward. It will naturally be reflected to you through the whole of existence.