“A mind that listens with complete attention will never look for a result because it is constantly unfolding; like a river, it is always in movement. Such a mind is totally unconscious of its own activity, in the sense that there is no perpetuation of a self, of a “me,” which is seeking to achieve an end.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
In every generation there are new distractions to occupy the mind. Our role, as awakening beings, is to retrain habitual patterns to be fully present where we are. Allow there to be space in your experience. Give others your complete attention. Stop \’killing time\’ by doom-scrolling or playing games incessantly.
When you align yourself completely with the present moment, you\’ll discover the expanding vibrancy of the Divine everywhere you look. Teeming with movement and miracles, the glory of our existence is constantly in the process of transformation. We can choose to bring this awareness into our conversations, our passions and our work.
Life is a dance of experience. You must be aware and present whether dancing with another or finding expression in the solitary movement of interpretive creativity. When you bring the best version of yourself to this moment, the future will take care of itself.