“I am here to serve.
I am here to inspire.
I am here to love.
I am here to live my truth.”
~Deepak Chopra~
What do you choose to say after the words, “I Am?” It\’s important to realize that your words are powerful. Many live in self-imposed prisons that their thoughts and words reinforce everyday.
Ask someone close to you to observe the words you say and give them permission to gently interrupt and bring your attention to anything negative or limiting. Awareness is the first step of transformation. It may be surprising to realize how often you reinforce old programming.
Empowerment is taking full responsibility for whatever unfolds in your experience. With a blend of strength and humility it becomes possible to set new intentions and consciously direct your energy in beautiful ways. Life will always reflect your beliefs and intentions back to you, and thus awareness begins the process of change.
It’s exciting to remember that no matter how much we have learned or how far we have come, that we have barely scratched the surface of what is possible. Your journey is sacred. You are sacred, and there are many levels waiting to be explored.