Heartfelt gratitude and joy draw in even more for which you can be grateful, creating an infinite cycle of abundance.
It seems that many people forget that life is sacred. In their unconsciousness they create an existence that is filled with drudgery and conflict. For them, the world feels like an unsafe place. This is the high cost of unconsciousness.
Those who have awakened understand that there is no need to postpone their joy. They can see the beauty in every situation and are deeply rooted in the Now. Nothing is missing and this moment has great cause for celebration. They do not wait for everything to fall into place before they dance in celebration of life.
When we treat one another with generosity and compassion, we create a space filled with infinite possibility. Become more sensitive to the nuances of life itself and allow its essence to enter you. Choose to be more trusting and open while purposely living in a world of wonder.