“At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
~Albert Schweitzer~
Celebrate those who grace your life. Everyone has moments of indecision or blockage; however, the love and support that we need always seems to come at the perfect time. With hearts filled with gratitude, we have the ability to receive these gifts. Little kindnesses can spark wonderful changes.
Give yourself moments of quiet contemplation. Your conscious awareness in the present moment is transformative. The world is filled with wonder and with each step we can choose to reconnect with sacred mother earth. Appreciation is often just a joyful acceptance of the beauty that surrounds us.
Purposely fill your life with moments that enrich your soul. Your ability to recognize the gifts the universe has to offer aligns you with a sense of peace and abundance and creates an unshakeable foundation for your soul\’s journey.
Step outside, breathe the air, express your gratitude and allow the world to nurture your being. Reconnect with life by pausing a moment to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.
Step outside, breathe the air, express your gratitude and allow the world to nurture your being. Reconnect with life by pausing a moment to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.