
Each of us chooses how we participate with life. Our day to day experiences run the gamut – from tragedy to bliss, darkness to light, pain to pleasure. Rather than layering a mind-made story on top of various events, we can choose to accept, then act.

Dark moments and challenges are not a punishment, nor are they a predetermined script by which we must abide. Instead, every situation offers a moment to shine, to learn, to expand. With our attitude, we determine how to interpret the events of our lives. Gratitude creates a space where insight and growth can occur.

The awakened person lives in gratitude and joy, content within whatever the present moment offers. This peaceful sense of connectedness comes from inner understanding, unlimited richness and spiritual maturity and is not tied to any desired outcome or reliant upon the decisions of others.

No matter what has been troubling you or unfolding within your experience, allow grace to infuse the situation. When we approach each moment with a pure heart and sincerity, we open the door for healing, empowerment and liberation to flow throughout our life. Grace is always available for those who are willing to receive it.

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