It\’s important to create moments of quietude in order to go inward to connect with Presence. An immense stillness resides within you that is simultaneously filled with everything and nothing. Stillness is the key to self-discovery.
The cacophony of daily experience can be overwhelming and distracting. When you cultivate the ability to quiet the mind and reside peacefully within life\’s chaos, you create a space of connection that allows you to access the strength of your soul.
Choose to be in the world but not of it. Rather than following the crowd, find your unique way to contribute to global consciousness and expansion. Just by being yourself, you add something beautiful to the world that has never been experienced before and because of your presence here, we are all transformed.
Even if you feel you do not consciously know your purpose, simply be the best version of yourself that you can in this moment. The rest will make itself known in the perfect way at the perfect time.