Look beyond your challenges to the beauty that fills your life experience. The present moment provides an opportunity to live in a way that allows you to contribute rather than being propelled by desire. The awakened heart sees through the eyes of love and gratitude with the realization that fulfillment is a state of mind.
Spiritual abundance and contentment have greater depth than simple prosperity or having a particular financial goal. Things, by their very nature, bring limitation and the worry of “what ifs?” that can destroy one’s well-being. One who is truly abundant is already complete. Outer expressions of prosperity can ebb and flow; however, the heart that is fulfilled is untroubled and lives in a sacred state of grace.
Take the time today to slow down and observe the miracles that surround you. Watch the bee as it pollinates, drink the nectar of life with hummingbird, experience patience with your favorite tree while sensing Oneness with everything you see. Together we weave the tapestry of existence, each of us playing a unique and vital role.
You can bring creativity and Presence to all that you do by approaching each task with an attitude of joy, enthusiasm or acceptance.