
“Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”

~Anais Nin~

Sometimes we meet others and feel an instant connection. From the moment of ‘hello’ there is a feeling of safety and warmth and this person brings something special to your life experience. These are typically reunions of two souls who have played together in many lifetimes. The ease you feel is the natural result of the many interactions and karmic agreements you two have shared.

Often it seems there are an amazing number of synchronistic occurrences that have to fall into place in order for two souls to cross paths. Then, recognizing a kindred spirit – or perhaps a karmic contract – they choose to embark upon a segment of the journey together.

As an older soul, you may have this feeling often. Your long history on the planet has likely included many members of your soul group. This is why we must be accepting and grateful for those who grace our lives. Whether you share the journey for a moment or for a lifetime, the feeling is always one of coming home.

The extent to which you are willing to be supported is an indication of the love you have for yourself. The supporting characters of your life provide a springboard for the discovery of new experiences, thoughts, opportunities and perceptions. Friendship is the highest form of love.

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