When inspiration strikes we must heed the call. It’s powerful to turn towards whatever speaks to your soul and explore its depths. This is how one cultivates new facets of expression. Whether passionate for a topic of study, art, or the work of a lifetime, the Muse plays a powerful role in the support that is available to you.
Throughout our evolution and awakening, the journey takes us through five different levels of learning. Initially we plod through the life experience trying to survive, struggling to learn the ways of this planet. We then become followers, seeking others to direct the journey, often feeling overwhelmed and in need of simplistic views. Then, we explore lessons that are driven by ego – working, trying to win, seeking outside validation, power and control.
We awaken from this game to explore empowerment in a healthier way. We learn to say “no” when appropriate, and often turn inward to find our unique way of being in the world. Finally, at the highest levels of consciousness, we step back into the experience with wonder and delight, seeing life as an adventure. In love, we consciously express greater joy and compassion, and teach by example throughout the rest of the journey.