“I will show you fear in a handful of dust.”
~T.S. Eliot~
Fear creates a fight or flight mechanism in the mind. The ego takes over, and creates a story that repeats until it is believed. At this point the personality has lived with the script for so long that it becomes a perceived reality that blocks any real joy from arising.
While it may seem that many today are lost in fear or angry reactivity, there is a balancing conscious awareness that is also coming into being. Many spiritual seekers who have cultivated the tools to rise above are bringing a new perception into focus by being living examples of peace, compassion and awareness.
Krishnamurti once said, \”Do you want to know what my secret is? I don\’t mind what happens.\” This seemingly simplistic view of peace calls upon us to recognize that fear is a self-made condition. Our resistance, reactivity and righteous anger add energy into the illusion, keeping it alive. Choose to recognize everything and everyone in your life as a teacher. Imagine the freedom that comes from seeing all circumstances as an opportunity to love. And remember – love and fear cannot coexist in the same space.