“Experiencing our emotions fully, without wallowing in them or turning away, allows us to break through the layers of protective armor and connect with the heart. Fully felt, our emotions can clear the path to the deep well of compassionate love that is the essence of our being… and we are free to receive all the world.”
~ Ezra Bayda~
Just a little bit of insight and awareness can transform your entire life. You can only truly understand what you have experienced; therefore, it\’s important to explore the depths of emotion. When emotional pain rises to the surface, it is an indicator that it is ready to be healed. These deeply buried wounds of the past are repeatedly reflected in our life experiences until they are cleared.In order to receive healing, we must choose to become vulnerable and open to the love of the Universe. Openness and acceptance create a space where we can dissolve the struggle and suffering once considered by the ego to be necessary and unavoidable… From this state of wholeness, we can help others to become whole as well.
Feel your way to freedom. Honor the emotions that arise with the knowledge that they are meant to help you break free from restrictive thoughts and beliefs. Untethered, the energies of infinite possibility feed the flames of your life purpose in a transformative and powerful way.