Exploring Lessons

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”

~Roy T. Bennett~

As we explore various lessons it’s important to remember that the situations that set them in motion will stay in place until they are no longer required. Consciousness expands through practice.

Someone working through karma around personal strength and empowerment may first explore the ego in action by forcing their opinions on others. They may build something through sheer strength of will and determination only to realize that personal relationships have suffered in their quest to create.

As the pendulum swings, the lesson flips and now, purposely moderating their ego-driven approach, they may blindly enter into a situation where they completely give away their power and the exploration into reclaiming it in a healthy way begins.

During this process the contrasts demonstrate how it feels to be on both sides of the equation: powerful and fearful, expanding and constricting, proud and ashamed. Ultimately, the soul learns how to be a empowered creator balanced with humility and kindness. Once the lesson has been fully integrated, the challenge is no longer required.

Karma is complete when the energy becomes completely neutral around a particular situation, person or experience. Have joy in the prospect of this completion. The greater the challenge, the greater the breakthrough.

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