
Observe when you feel blocked or burdened, when others insult your joy, or when you find yourself trying not to be noticed. These are indicators of ego-driven constriction. Perceived limitation occurs when one fears to stand in their own power. If the fear is internal the souls light is dimmed. Others who reside in fear may try to make you feel small so that they can feel more powerful.

Some pretend to be small so that others in their experience will not feel bad about their own perceived limitation; however, that approach is a decision based upon lack not love. The tendency of lower consciousness is to insult or blame, hoping that others will walk on eggshells around them rather than risk displeasure, disruption or attack. It is actually harder on the one trapped in ego than the one who consciously chooses not to engage in drama.

In this infinite universe, there is ample energy for everyone to thrive. Though not everyone is ready to receive, it is always available. Begin with creating joy in your own experience. Release attachment. Remove yourself from negative situations. Giving, experiencing, loving, celebration and gratitude expand your aura, creating waves of energy that flow outward. Simultaneously gentle and extraordinarily powerful, this flow moves with the rhythm of life. You are a master in the process of awakening. Stop acting so small.

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