Everything is Energy

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

~Nikola Tesla~

In every moment we are creating our reality by amplifying certain things, thoughts and experiences in our energetic field. Pay attention to what you are choosing to enhance in your life situation. A slight shift from focusing on a problem to focusing on a solution makes all the difference in the world.

Some people doom-scroll, looking for negative current events as a form of relaxation or out of boredom. The ego mind creates a story that one is being informed and that it’s important; however, it takes one’s energy on a downward spiral. This is not to say that you must pretend that all is well and that we have no collective problems. If there is truly something that you need to know, it will make itself known to you – there is no need to seek out negativity.

You have more power than you realize. The key is to maintain an awareness of how certain choices impact your quality of life. Focus first upon your immediate surroundings. Immerse yourself within Presence, find your peace and bring joy into the Now. From that state of connectedness, your processing of challenges will be purposeful rather than reactive.


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