Attention always determines where your energy flows. It’s empowering to understand how choice impacts our daily journey. When you make consciousness a priority, begin within. Notice your thoughts. Observe them and how they make you feel. This is the starting point. Rather than dwelling on a perceived problem, past event, or future worries, just be still. Listen to your breath. Feel your heartbeat.
Right now, in this moment you are choosing consciousness. Consider surrounding yourself with items that spark joy and wonder. I enjoy filling my space with things that are smile-inducing. Whether it’s a magical pine cone from a beloved friend, art that reminds me of my own creativity, crystals that caught my attention, or books that hold inspiration, I recognize and honor my journey of awakening as sacred.
From this space of balance and joy, I can face whatever life offers. Ultimately, things don’t matter except for being useful as an outward projection of one’s state of awareness; however, it’s a good training ground for observing what you choose to place your attention upon. At some point, all will fade away and if you have done the work well, you will continue to dwell in Love.