Your thoughts create your reality. Plant seeds of kindness and gratitude and nurture them in ways that support your own peace, power, growth, and transformation. Consider any limiting thoughts to be weeds which must be removed quickly before they multiply and take over the garden of your creation.
You can manifest joy in your experience Now. This moment is the gateway to transformation. No matter what your circumstance, remember that happiness comes from within. Choose to find it in the little things and observe how it expands outward.
Whatever is unfolding in the field of your life\’s expression is exactly what your soul requires for awakening. Intensity, peacefulness, solitude or throngs of activity, frustration or flow – all are a manifestation of the Divine. Bring the best version of yourself to the present moment and the future will take care of itself.
Sometimes, deep in the uncertain cacophony of life, a skyward glance to appreciate the clouds or stars will remind you of the continuity that exists. You are one with this permanence. You are infinite. You are love.