Creating Change

“It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.”
~Roy T. Bennett~

Learn how to listen to your inner wisdom by noticing when your body requests small things like drinking more water or making healthier choices. When you’re ready to shift a pattern that has long been part of your experience, just notice when it arises and very gently do something just a little different each time.With no great fanfare a new energy emerges and you realize that those tiny baby steps have sparked permanent change.

Transformation can often feel overwhelming and indecisiveness tends to create procrastination. Just observe. Notice how the ego finds a reason to wait. Remembering that the ego is always prompting the opposite of what is appropriate for your growth, purposely take action. Any conscious action, no matter how small, sets new energy in motion.

The key is to begin now. Simply be the best version of yourself in this moment. Subtle shifts are occurring all around you and it’s time to participate in the dance. Utilize your strengths. Be led by joy, love or enthusiasm and honor this phase of your awakening as sacred. The future will take care of itself.


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