Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life.”
~John Lubbock~
No matter what change you wish to create in your life situation, begin now. Consistent movement creates positive, life-affirming new habits and the tiniest of steps will still lead you forward. We are here to experience constant transformation. Every thought, word and action sends waves of energy throughout the universe that will ultimately teach you amazing things about yourself.
The practice of consciously directing energy begins with an idea. Life prompts us to imagine something different. Inspiration and enthusiasm combine to create joyful expression and we celebrate the process of our own expansion. Expansion requires us to drop the things which no longer serve our growth. It allows us to step into empowerment and flow with the movement of life.
Acceptance is the doorway to tremendous growth and empowerment. You have the opportunity to dance, celebrate, create and rejoice – and in that celebration, evolve beyond limitation and step into the realm of infinite possibility.