
Growth requires one thing – courage. We must be willing to take a risk, to delve into the unknown and make an attempt to dialogue with all of existence. If you rely too must on creating safety by building walls around you, everything is blocked… the challenges as well as the joys of discovery. If you are courageous enough to drop defense mechanisms and allow yourself to be vulnerable, who knows what may happen? There are no guarantees, and yes, there may be hazards along the way, but that is what seeking is all about.

The gifts you discover are yours to share. You loved yourself enough to set out on this journey, and love allows you to align with the Divine and discover facets of your existence which are ready to shine. We ride the highs and lows of life assisting one another one the way and this is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to give myself permission to be all that I can be. I deserve the very best that life has to offer.