\”I don\’t mind what happens. That is the essence of inner freedom.
It is a timeless spiritual truth: release attachment to outcomes,
deep inside yourself, you\’ll feel good no matter what.\”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
When you choose to approach the Now with a sense of peacefulness and an inner knowledge that nothing is lacking, you will experience the freedom to be found in the pleasures of existence. Honor this moment as sacred, set expansive energy in motion and life will hold you in its embrace.
Gratitude and appreciation take you more deeply into the present moment. Let contentment and stillness free you from the distractions of the mind. The journey inward is limitless. Close your eyes and listen. Be. Accept the love and energy that rains down upon you from all dimensions. The seeds of your awakening are nurtured by purposeful quiet interludes. In the space of infinite possibility we discover our unique way of being in the world.
Enlightenment can come in many forms. Use whatever life offers as your doorway to greater insight and awareness. Health, relationships, work, the messages of nature – all offer pointers that play a significant role in your awakening. Presence is the gift of contentment.