

There are many pathways to awakening; however, it ultimately doesn’t matter what we believe. The only true measurement of enlightenment is one’s state of consciousness in the present moment. Earth, and all its various experiences, is merely the backdrop on which we project our interpretation of life. Pay attention to repeating patterns – they often indicate areas of blockage or limitation that are ready to be cleared.


Healthy levels of consciousness begin with Courage. After we learn about using power in a healthy way, we move from Courage to Neutrality. At this level we discover the freedom of detachment. Once mastered, we explore Willingness, known as “the gateway to enlightenment.” At this level, one is able to take risks, say “yes” to life, and open to new experiences.


In Acceptance we move into deep understanding, empathy and compassion. Genuinely okay with whatever transpires, we work with life rather than fight the flow. When vibrating at the level of Reason, one delves into the mysteries to understand the workings of the Universe.


When our exploration moves into pure, unconditional, heart-centered Love, we honor the process of awakening as sacred. Love expands into Joy and Peace which ultimately leads into Enlightenment. Finally, we share our wisdom, leaving signposts for those who walk behind.