Compassionate Action

“That is what compassion does. It challenges our assumptions, our sense of self-limitation, worthlessness, of not having a place in the world. As we develop compassion, our hearts open.”

~Sharon Salzberg~

We are continually in the process of learning how to walk in the world deeply connected, yet understanding that each journey is a solitary experience. Mankind has learned how to judge, blame or criticize as a means of ego-driven distraction. As long as there is something to fight, one forgets to do their inner work.

There is great beauty to be discovered in every moment. You are endowed with great strength and insight – begin by going within. What is stopping you from being at peace Now? Please understand that your compassion must include yourself. Drop the weight of self-judgment, guilt or regret and consider only what the present moment is offering.

Gratitude Moments become pure joy as I commune with life. In Presence I see a neighbor who consistently picks up trash while walking her dog, another who brings morning coffee to a neighbor in need. Friendliness and kindness abound. Compassion teaches through consistent example. The courtesy and light that we share sparks resonant frequencies to act in kind.

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