The transformative power of compassion is awakened when we choose to truly hear one another. Being fully present calls upon us to drop our preconceived ideas, cease out internal commentary and listen with the heart. Spiritual practice calls upon us to cultivate the awareness of the bond we share with all beings. Our role is to care for the earth and all the creatures with whom we share this amazing planet.
Authentic relationships are possible only when we have an awareness of who we truly are. When we can see through the mechanisms of the ego to the true spirit of another, we can dance within the paradox of human compassion and higher awareness while holding space. In this manner, we create space in which transformation can occur.
Holding space is far different from fixing someone else’s problems or seeking to ensure that they avoid pain. By honoring all paths as sacred, we operate from the premise of love and acceptance – allowing the lesson, offering support and sowing seeds of compassion.