Different soul ages express imbalance in different ways. Young Souls desperately attempt to show status though money, power, looks or fame. They tend to move quickly, control with money, and strive to keep the status quo in place.
Mature Souls display impatience with themselves and the community systems. They feel misunderstood, are willing to be political martyrs, struggle with suicidal ideation, or participate in radical resistance.
Old Souls struggle with self sabotage and a loud inner critic, get lost in spiritual materialism, feel victimized, tend to act preachy or feel visionary impatience.
The only way to rise above imbalance and dysfunction is through unconditional love for oneself and others. Our collective destiny begins with each one of us. Fortunately, we have masters, teachers, and role models who have left markers to indicate the way forward. It’s a wonderful practice to have an inspirational muse. Throughout your studies you’ve likely found teachers with whom you resonate. Seek to employ their way of being into your own experience. Inspiration combined with your unique creativity and imagination can transform the world.
Many planets do not survive their Young Soul period. We have. Now is the time to take personal responsibility and be the change you wish to see in the world.