Celtic Vows of Friendship

“The spiritual practice of relationships is about working on ourselves only, freeing ourselves from the constricting grip of our own unhappiness. It is not the other person’s job to take our unhappiness away; our discomfort is our own responsibility. Attending to our own spiritual tasks – seeing our judgments, opinions, beliefs, demands, and staying present with the fears out of which they arise – frees others to move toward us. Then, when they no longer feel the need to defend, they become more willing to take care of their job. Thus joy in relationships becomes possible.”
~ Ezra Bayda~

As we mature, love begins to transform from sexual or ego-based neediness into honoring the unique individuality of another. We learn to accept rather than attach. We find wholeness within instead of looking to someone or something else to make us feel complete. We begin to realize that those who grace our lives – whether for a moment or for a lifetime – act as mirrors, supporting us in our quest to awaken.

When fear departs, freedom remains. Each relationship we have offers us myriad opportunities to practice the Celtic Vows of Friendship. These six guidelines open the possibility of empowered and mindful interactions. Anytime you feel off balance, take a moment to observe which you can apply to your situation and purposely bring a higher level of consciousness to the present moment.

Give for the joy of giving. Live for the joy of living. Your passion will morph into compassion as you discover new aspects of yourself in the presence of your anam cara, your soul friend.