
“Celtic mysticism recognizes that rather than trying to expose the soul or offer it our fragile care, we should let the soul find us and care for us.”
~John O’Donohue~
Consider that any changes in your experience are preparing you for expansion into a new playground of consciousness. Every shake-up provides an opportunity to break us free from limiting patterns and beliefs that are no longer necessary.
The resilience of the soul has no limitation. Once you truly see through the mechanisms of the ego, you’ll discover potential that is ready to shine. Yet, how would you know where your blockages lie without them first rising to the surface? When we’re ready to clear a particular issue, the soul requests assistance. That assistance often presents itself in the form of a challenge or ending. Life will always offer the perfect experience for your personal awakening.
When faced with the shadow we have a choice… get lost in the story or forge a new way forward. The former will lull you back to sleep until the next upset occurs, while the latter creates a fresh, dynamic journey that ultimately expands your consciousness. As you awaken, the world around you is transformed.
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